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Friday 29 January 2010

Print-Ready PDF's (a guide by adobe)

Further to our other posts on colours and image resolutions...
I thought it would be worth posting a quick link to Adobe's own guide for producing print-ready PDF's. Despite it being a rather long-winded guide, it does contain all the essential information on creating printable PDF's. There is important information on; transparency, colours & trapping etc.
Make sure you are comfy and have a large tea or coffee to hand before downloading the PDF.
→Adobe® PDF in a Print Production Workflow←

Friday 22 January 2010

Reminder - CMYK not RGB

Just a quick reminder; always check you have converted those RGB pictures to CMYK. It may seem obvious now, but when the pressure's on... small things can slip by.

As most digital camera's are going to take RGB pictures, it might be worth setting up a script in photoshop to batch process your images to CMYK when you import them?

hopefully we can post a guide soon...

Thursday 14 January 2010

The easiest tip in the world!

Worried about overprinting? Had trapping issues and paid for costly reprints? Trying to use spot colours across different design packages, but are being told by the printer's it's set-up wrong?

The answer? The easiest tip in the world!
Many people who design and create artwork appear to have forgotten one of the best tips in the world. If you have any worries, or had an issues with some of your artwork, why not try and print out the separations? A quick run-out on a laser printer with colour separations on, can save you time and money in the long run. Quark, Indesign, and even Acrobat Pro can do this, and it takes almost no time. Any glaring trap issues, such as a white logo set to overprint, will show up straight away!
Good artwork will always help your print workflow too! (less proofing, resubmitting artwork etc...)

please retweet if this post was useful, or comment if you have any suggestions.