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Monday 25 March 2013

Corporate Gift Box ideas

Are you looking for new ideas for a corporate gift? Would you like to send out a corporate invitation and want something that grabs the recipient?

Many people think that printed manufactured gift boxes are going to cost a fortune. However, with the right planning at the design stage you can create a fantastic gift box for a lot less than you think. Here are a couple of things to consider before you agree a design.

1). Size - obvious I know, but if you are only going to put a corporate invitation into it then work with the printer to achieve a size for optimum economy. The box below had a gift with an invitation sitting on top of it. Once the recipient had picked up the invite, a beautiful gift was revealed.

Corporate Gift Box with Invitation

2). Printing - this depends on the quantity, size and the finish you are after. We recently silver foiled a box onto a good quality paper that was less to manufacture than 4 colour printing plus an overall lamination.

3). Beware laminations with certain colours. Matt lamination onto a dark colour will mark readily and result in the gift box looking messy very quickly.

4). How are you giving or sending the box. I have seen beautiful box arriving very tatty due to the packaging they have been sent in. Plain outer boxes can inexpenisve and keep your gift box looking perfect.

Plain made to measure outer boxes

Corporate gift box costs can sometimes be counter-intuitive; that is to say they can look look very expensive and not cost an awful lot. Conversely, some gift boxes have cost a small fortune but without the desired result.   

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Printed Information Packs That Work

There are 3 essential ingredients that a printed and manufactured information pack should have:

1) Practicality: The Information pack that you send out to your clients represents how you work as an organisation and you will be judged accordingly. On this basis lazy, corner-cutting packs should be avoided at all costs.If maufactured in the right way, a well put together, beautifully designed pack will cost you no more than some home-made looking tosh!

Bespoke Printed Box
Vodafone Store Guidelines

2). Recycled/recyclable materials: The recipient of your pack will feel much happier if they can see that the materials making up the Information pack are recycled or recyclable - it can feel like a lot of 'stuff' - so try using recycled polyprop & PVC for ring binders and printed wallets, FSC papers and don't be shy in putting the corresponding logos on the documents.

Tabbed Dividers for easy referencing

3). Growing Content: the best packs are where regular updates can be sent out to create further engagment with the recipient. If your Info Packs have been well thought through then easy to recieve and insert updates will be an invaluable addition to your packs. Aswell as sending the updated content, other items like special offers etc can be sent with them.

Printed Information packs
NYM Bank Financial Updates
 What is the point or goal of your pack? I would always recommend having the mindset when devising your information pack that the recipient has no idea what they are receiving - make no asumptions about knowledge levels and you wont go too far wrong.

Monday 4 March 2013

Effective Direct Mail Idea - Company in Kent

Direct mail can be a really effective way of engaging with clients or potential clients. The key is to grab the attention of the recipient and then as long as the message is strong and appropriate they should respond to your call to action.

The Apple iPad Mini printed direct mail is clever because it immediately taps into what we already know and to some extent, desire. So rather than just the same old 'win an ipad leaflet' this brochure immediately engages the recipient into the ipad experience. In fairness, my only experience of the dimensions of the iPad Mini is with the brochure.

Before you carried way - a word of caution. Make sure that the cost of printing your direct mail item cost effective before you commit. There are always several ways to approach these projects and this one was relatively short run so it was 'round cornered' economically. The process of printing stunning ideas like this need to be carefully thought out before proceeding - ie it needs to be printed cost-effectively in order to be viable.

iPad Brochure Promotion
Printed Brochure Design and cut to the sahpe of iPad Mini
 Lastly, the amount of direct mail has dropped off due to the cost of postage - however, plan you mailing carefully and the you could slash the cost of postage and also REMEMBER.....LESS COMPETITION = GREATER RESPONSE RATE!!